
Bridge imp
Bridge imp

Partnerships are appraised in four ways:īalanced Notrump Semibalanced Notrump Eight-Card Major Fit Nine-Card Major FitĬategory definitions: (1) Balanced Notrump = both hands balanced, 4-4-4-1 or 5-4-2-2.* (2) Semibalanced Notrump = one hand balanced, 4-4-4-1 or 5-4-2-2, and the other 5-4-3-1, 6-3-2-2, 6-3-3-1, 7-2-2-2 or 7-3-2-1. This study goes much deeper by calculating the optimal bid, on average, for all HCP divisions. Most players are familiar with basic IMP strategy, such as to bid close games, especially vulnerable, and the sundry odds for slam bidding. Virtually all experts agree that it makes bridge a more competitive game than traditional scoring by total points. Its main objective is to balance the significance of deals, particularly to increase the weight of partscores and to decrease the weight of slams. When you're defending the opponents' contracts.International Match Points (IMPs) is by far the most widely used form of scoring in major bridge events. In the hand, when you have more information.ĭefense: Be optimistic and fairly aggressive Save your brilliant defensive plays for later Think your opponent will make when the board is played at your It's usuallyīest to make your "normal" lead - the same one you Opening leads: Be cautious about trying for a Line of play to make your contract, even if it might cost you Your contract trying to make an extra trick. Overtricks: When you're declarer, don't risk In doubt, let the opponents play their contract and hope you can

bridge imp bridge imp

Anything more is "too closeįor comfort" in team play, and won't gain you many IMPs. Go down more than one (perhaps two) tricks. You're vulnerable, you should be virtually certain that you won't Reasonably sure that you won't go down more than two (perhaps three) tricks. Sacrifice over your opponent's vulnerable game, you should be Sacrifices: If you want to take a non-vulnerable


If the opponents sacrifice against your game and you're in doubtĪbout whether to bid higher, double and take your sure plus score. Sure the contract is going down at least two tricks. Don't make a penalty double unless you're reasonably Lose - by making a close penalty double, especially of a partscore. Opponents push you to the 3-level unless you have a 9-card trumpĭoubles: There's little to gain - and much to Length is more important than overall strength, so don't let the Their low-level contracts, especially if you're vulnerable.

bridge imp bridge imp

You have a good suit and good hand, let the opponents play in Need a strong suit (usually 6 cards) and the playing strength of a fullĬompeting and balancing: Don't be too bold. A vulnerable overcall,Įven at the 1-level, should promise a fairly good suit or a good hand (or both). Overcalls, but it pays to beef up your overcalls at IMPs. Overcalls: Matchpoint players often make light Don't worry about searching for a few extra pointsīy playing in notrump instead of a minor. Makes) favor bidding any game that has even a 40% chance of making. The IMP odds (your potential gain if the contract If you're vulnerable, it pays to be a little more optimistic when considering a thin game.Games that you are reasonably sure will make. Too far to bid a close game - the odds favor bidding only those Your best strategy is to choose your best (longest) trump fit and bid the game that's most likely to make - even if it's 5C instead of 3NT. IMP scoring, however, neutralizes the differences between these contracts. At matchpoints, you may get a markedly better score for playing in notrump instead of a major, or in a major instead of a minor. Bridge: IMP Team Tactics IMP Team Tactics

Bridge imp