
League of angels 2 hack 2016
League of angels 2 hack 2016

league of angels 2 hack 2016

  • There are 4 Color Blind Mode: Off, Deuteranopia, Protanopia, Tritanopia.
  • A sample display of Friendly, Enemy, Group and Alert color will be shown, and these color display will changed depending on Color Blind Mode and Color Blind Strength.
  • Brightness: A slider to control brightness value.
  • Contrast: A slider to control contrast value.
  • Gamma Correction: A slider to control gamma value.
  • You can take screenshot by using PrintScreen button.
  • Screenshot Quality: There are 5 options: 1X Resolution, 3X Resolution, 5X Resolution, 7X Resolution, 9X Resolution.
  • Refraction Quality: There are 3 options: Low, Medium, High.
  • Antialias Quality: There are 5 options: Off, Low - FXAA, Medium - SMAA Low, High - SMAA Medium, or Ultra - SMAA High.
  • league of angels 2 hack 2016

    Lighting Quality: There are 4 options: Low, Medium, High, or Ultra.Effect Detail: There are 4 options: Low, Medium, High, or Ultra.Model Detail: There are 4 options: Low, Medium, High, or Ultra.Shadow Detail: There are 5 options: Off, Low, Medium, High, or Ultra.Dynamic Reflections: There are 4 options: Off, Low, Medium, or High.Local Fox Detail: There are 4 options: Low, Medium, High, or Ultra.Texture Filtering Quality: There are 5 options: Low - 1X, Medium - 2X, High - 4X, Ultra - 8X, or Epic - 16X.Texture Quality: There are 3 options: Low, Medium, or High.Graphic Quality: There are 5 options: Low, Medium, High, Ultra, or Epic.If player chooses Custom, there will be a slider for adjusting Frame Rate Cap, ranged from 30 to 300.There are 3 options: Custom, Display-based, or 30FPS Limit FPS: Limiting the frame rate drawn from your graphic card.In default setting, only Show Framerate and Show Network Ping are enabled. Advance Performance Stats: There are 6 advanced options: Show Framerate(shown as FPS), Show GPU Temperature (shown as TMP), Show VRAM Usage (shown as VRM), Show Network Ping (shown as PNG), Show Network Round Trip Time (shown as RTT), and Show Network Interpolation Delay(shown as IND).Display Performance Stats: Display performance statistic on the upper left of the screen.Triple Buffering: Enable/disable Triple Buffering.VSync: Enable/disable Vertical Synchronization.Aspect Ratio: Choose the ratio for the display on-screen.Field of View: The field of view for your first-person aspect, ranged from 80 to 103.Resolution: Options with the asterisk symbol (*) is the recommended resolution.If the player only have one output, it will show "Monitor 1". Target Display: Choose which display output for the game.

    league of angels 2 hack 2016

    Display Mode: There are 3 options: Windowed, Fullscreen, or Borderless Windowed.The name of player's graphic card is displayed.

    League of angels 2 hack 2016